Affordable per-mile car insurance. Drive less, pay less!

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Affordable insurance for everyone

How it works

How to Get Started: Our app makes getting car insurance easy. See your custom per-mile price in less than a minute, and get covered instantly with low rates and flexible contracts.

1. Get your quote

1. Get your quote

Answer a couple questions to get your quote in seconds

2. Download the app

2. Download the app

Download the Just Insure app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store

3. Sign up in 60 sec

3. Sign up in 60 sec

Add your details and pick your coverage to see your custom rate

4. Start your policy

4. Start your policy

Add a small deposit and get covered instantly

5. Odometer Snaps

5. Odometer Snaps

Send regular photos of your odometer to track your miles and charges

Change the way you pay for insurance

You only pay for what you use

You only pay for what you use

Customize your coverage and enjoy low daily rates and an affordable cost-per-mile.

You control the price

You control the price

Our Scoresafe technology learns your driving habits, your safe driving lowers your per-mile rates.

Great value and costs that you control

Great value and costs that you control

Add a deposit to your account to get coverage instantly.

Flexible policies

Flexible policies

Our short or long term policies give you more options, so you don’t need to lock yourself into expensive year long contracts.

What do we cover

We provide the minimum insurance coverage required by the state - Liability insurance and high level insurance to keep you even more secure - Full coverage insurance.

Full coverage

Protects you and if something happens to your vehicle. Collision, comprehensive, full glass and liability coverage.

Minimum Liability

It provides third-party bodily injury and property damage cover in the event of an accident.


Protects you and covers your medical bills from an at-fault driver with no coverage or low limits.

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What do we cover

Real drivers love Just


What do we offer?

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Minimum Liability - This package includes state minimum Liability coverage.

Full Coverage - This package includes state minimum Liability, Collision, and Comprehensive coverage.

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How do you calculate my mileage?

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We utilise an odometer reading when you initially sign up, and periodically throughout the month to accurately calculate your mileage.

What happens if I forget my phone at home?

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If it's a one-time occurrence, there's no problem. However, we encourage our drivers to keep their phones with them as it helps us determine how safely you drive.

Do you provide coverage for multiple vehicles?

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Currently, we only offer coverage for individual vehicles.

Is Just for me?

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Absolutely! If you drive less than 1,500 miles per month, we are an excellent option for you. However, if you have specific needs such as SR22, coverage for Uber, DoorDash, storage insurance, etc., or if you are a frequent driver, then our services may not be suitable for you.

Get your pay-per-mile quote in seconds

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