Statistics worth changing:




cost / person / year



Our Mission: Driving Change

Just, adjective, based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

We’re called Just for a reason. Current auto insurance offerings are neither moral, nor right, nor fair. Rates are based on things beyond an individual’s control - principally their age, sex, and where they live. Worse, these factors don’t actually cause accidents, it’s just insurers have deduced some historic correlation. If Joe at number thirteen doesn’t take care driving, then because you’re in the same zip code, you’ll pay more.

Just insurance means rates that reflect the choices people make. Do you choose to race your friends, exceeding the speed limit, and endangering yourself and other road users? If you do, you should pay more. Do you choose to check Instagram or send a WhatsApp while you’re driving? That’s unsafe, and that should be reflected in your price.

If you make smart, safe choices, you should pay less. There is no immutable rule that 22 year olds are dangerous drivers or that people with poor credit ratings always have accidents. You are an individual and it is right and fair and moral and, yes, Just that your rate reflects your choices and your decisions and your risk. Our auto insurance is priced according to how you drive, not who you are.

Our passion for doing the right thing is at the heart of our culture. Two of our Founders have lost friends and family in road accidents. And they wanted to create an insurance company that did more than collect premiums, they wanted it to make the roads safer; they wanted fewer late night phone calls bringing terrible news.

We were formed in Los Angeles in early 2019 and have offices there and in London. We currently offer auto insurance in Arizona, and so far - at the beginning of July 2020 - our drivers have taken our safety message to heart and have had far fewer accidents than their peers.

Our plan is to expand across the United States and eventually worldwide, helping make the roads safer and reducing peoples’ auto insurance bills. If you want to learn more, or are interested in joining our growing team, please reach out.

Our Leadership Team

Robert Smithson
Robert SmithsonFounder & CEORobert Smithson is a successful entrepreneur and fund manager. Before starting Just, he also founded Genius Sports, which was sold in 2018 for $280m, and PythonAnywhere, the leading Python Platform-As-A-Service company. Robert graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Philosophy. When Robert isn't starting companies, he loves flying and reading detective novels.
Murray Macdonald
Murray MacdonaldCo-Founder & CTOMurray Macdonald is a highly experienced technologist and innovator. Murray has a love and aptitude for problem solving, which he has applied to the technology and insurance industries for the last two decades. Murray graduated with an honours degree in Computer Science from University of Johannesburg. His interests include design, photography and rugby.
Gregory Lyons
Gregory LyonsHead of FinanceGregory Lyons is an Finance professional and after starting his career as a Chartered Accountant, has worked in Investment Banking, Management Consulting and Outsourcing. Gregory’s most recent role before joining Just was as Director of Finance and Operations at an advocacy non-profit in the UK. Gregory graduated in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Bristol and outside of work is a busy father of four young daughters.

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Manchester Story
Plug and Play

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